Does Anyone Remember the Libyan Civilians?

by Rich Rubenstein on September 21, 2011 · 0 comments

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So, the US and NATO went to war in Libya, allegedly to protect Libyan civilians from Bad Muammar Gaddafi.  Not to overthrow Gaddafi, of course, since they were not authorized to do that by the United Nations, but only to protect civilians.

Now, thanks to almost ten thousand NATO airstrikes, military intelligence and mercenary “trainers” donated by the Western powers, and weapons supplied by Europeans and Persian Gulf sheikhs, the area loyal to Gaddafi’s government has shrunk to several towns in Tripolitania, including the large city of Sirte.  Rebel forces are rocketing and cannonading Sirte now and NATO is striking the city from the air.

What?  You haven’t heard any real news about this?  You don’t know how many civilian casualties the NATO and rebel strikes are causing?  Welcome to the Unreal World of the Western media, which has made the Libyan war magically disappear from its news pages and websites.  Nobody is covering the war from Sirte.

Nobody knows how many are dying or being wounded there.  The fact that a civil war is continuing in Libya is an embarrassment to everyone, especially to Barack Obama, who wants to claim the rebel victory as his only “win” of the season.

The safety of Libyan civilians was once presented to the world as the casus belli for this Western intervention.  Now that its real purpose — the removal of the uncooperative Col. Gaddafi — has been achieved, it’s ok for the NATO-backed rebels to kill Libyan civilians.  I hate to sound like Mr. Negative, but this is genuinely disgusting.

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